Professional Profile: David Violette 2006

Name: David Violette - 2006
Title: Vice President/Principal
Company: Colliers Houston & Co. - Property Management Services
Location: Somerset, N.J.
Birthplace: Portsmouth, N.H.
Family: Wife, Anne, and daughters: Danielle (18) and Jacqueline (16) College: BS, Northeastern University Accounting/Business Administration, Certified Public Accountant, 1987 First job outside of real estate: Senior accountant - Grant Thornton International, NYC First job in real estate or allied field: Vantage - N.J., development accountant/controller What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Founded in 1850 Colliers Houston & Company currently manages in excess of 10 million s/f of commercial real estate in central and northern New Jersey. Our future plans are to continue to grow management and leasing services to become the regional leader in providing quality third-party commercial real estate services in New Jersey. Hobbies: Golf, skiing and all outdoor activities Favorite book: "The Hunt for Red October," Tom Clancy Favorite movie: "Saving Private Ryan" Persons you admire most (outside of family): Benjamin Franklin and Bobby Orr Keys to success: Determination, hard work and keeping a balance between work and family If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Owner/operator of a retail sporting goods business