Professional Profile: David Bagatelle 2015

Name: David Bagatelle - 2015
Title: Executive Vice President/ NY Metro Market President
Company: Sterling National Bank
Location: New York City
Birthplace: Queens
Education: Undergraduate: Wesleyan University, B.A. – Government Graduate: New York University Stern School of Business, MBA - Finance First Job outside of Real Estate: Senior Accountant, KPMG Peat Marwick First job in real estate or allied field: Junior Banker at M&T Bank in NYC What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I was hired in 2011 to help put in place a new business model at Sterling National Bank and grow a commercial banking business in New York City and Long Island. Over the last four years, we have grown from literally nothing to over $2 billion in footings. The plan is to continue to grow the business and meet our clients’ needs. How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? I coach my daughter’s lacrosse team, play golf and get involved with a number of philanthropic and civic organizations. Favorite book or author: Tom Clancy Favorite movie: “Saving Private Ryan” Last album you purchased or downloaded? The Dark Side of the Moon (remastered), Pink Floyd One word to describe your work environment: Execution Rules to live by in business: “Trust but verify” If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who would it be and where would you go? Steve Jobs, Peter Luger Steak House. We would, of course, have porterhouse for two. What is your dream job? General Manager of the New York Yankees