Professional Profile: Daniel Minkowitz 2016

Name: Daniel Minkowitz - 2016
Title: Managing Principal
Company: Mink Development
Birthplace: Miami Beach, FL
Education: New York University
First job outside of real estate: Renato Watches
First job in real estate or allied field: Mink Development
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I run Mink Development, a growing development company that partners with other developers. We have about $300 million worth of real estate under development including two Manhattan residential projects: a luxury condominium conversion at 39 East 72nd St. and a 210-story, ground up condominium at 302 East 96th St. In South Beach, Miami we are developing a 400,000 s/f luxury condo development site. Our goal is develop more great projects and build a vast portfolio of income producing properties throughout the United States.
How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? I love spending time with my wife and four beautiful children.
Favorite book or author: Author - Malcolm Gladwell
Favorite movie: “The Big Short”
Last song you downloaded? Coldplay album
One word to describe your work environment? Productive!
Rules to live by in business: Be a psychologist and super decisive
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead) who would it be and where would you go? Mark Zuckerberg: I would go to a quiet place where I can really pick his brain like the Mandarin Oriental Lobby Bar.
What is your dream job? I’m living my dream now.