Professional Profile: Daniel Lassiter 2016

Name: Daniel Lassiter - 2016
Title: Director Business Development
Company: Allpro Parking, LLC
Location: Buffalo, N.Y.
Birthplace: Murray, KY
Family: Wife Lynnette of 29 years, daughter Lauren 15 years of age College: Franklin University First job unrelated to your current field: Hotel Night Auditor, Tulsa OK First job in current field: Operations Manager, Nashville TN What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Allpro Parking, LLC delivers increased customer service and financial value of parking assets and services. We manage, lease, and own parking and transportation locations and services. Future – change the landscape of the parking industry through the creation of an employee environment that encourages personal achievement and growth, and is recognized as a “best place to be employed.” Continue to expand our footprint into new markets allowing for strategic and smart profitability. Hobbies: Fly Fishing, collecting knives Favorite novel: “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn“ Favorite film: “The Quiet Man“ Keys to success: Unquestionable character, willingness to help others succeed, energy, focus, ability to tolerate conflict and objections Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): John Wooden If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Coaching Collegiate Basketball