Professional Profile: Daniel Forkell 1991

Name: Daniel Forkell - 1991
Title: President
Company: Resource Restoration Corp.
Location: 271 North Avenue, New Rochelle, NY
Birthplace: Bronx, NY 1/5/49
Hobbies/Sports: Tennis, Swimming Automobile: Nissan Stanza Favorite Movie: The Magnificent Seven Favorite Music: Easy listening Favorite Food: Ice Cream Favorite TV Show: Wonder Years Person You Most Respect (outside family): Anyone who is trying their best Most Recent Book Read: The Power of Positive Thinking Most Important Deal or Event: Having been a developer, the down-turn of the real estate market forced me to gain first-hand knowledge on how to restructure loans for my own account, simply to survive. Personal or Business Goal: Apply my knowledge and experience on behalf of builders and developers who need assistance in saving their projects. Current Activity: Striving for perfection and settling for progress; as well as handling approximately ten workouts for builders and developers. Community Involvements: Armonk Methodist Church; Youth Soccer