Professional Profile: Dan Margulies 2007

Name: Dan Margulies - 2007
Title: Chief Operating Officer
Company: US Energy Group
Location: Fresh Meadows, NY
Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY, 1950
Family: Wife, Joyce; son, Josh, 19; daughter, Simone, 16 First job outside of real estate: Newspaper reporter First job in real estate or allied field: Executive director, Community Housing Improvement Program (RE Trade Association) What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Trying to build US Energy from a successful regional family business to a national presence in energy control and monitoring. Hobbies: Reading, sailing, skiing Favorite book: Too many to count Favorite movie: Any Indiana Jones movie Person you admire most: My late father (family); outside of family it would be historian William Manchester, for the depth of his work and understanding of his own times. Keys to success: Persistence and timing. One helps if you mess up the other. If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Columnist. I have lots of opinions.