Professional Profile: Craig Kalle 2016

Name: Craig Kalle - 2016
Title: Director of Operations
Company: MG Engineering, D.P.C.
Location: 116 West 32nd St., New York, NY 10001
Birthplace: Bronx, NY
Education: Milwaukee School of Engineering, Bachelor of Science – Architectural Engineering First job outside of real estate: Paperboy, lawn and yard maintenance First job in real estate or allied field: Sanitary engineer, Syska Hennessy, Inc. What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? My primary responsibilities are coordinating project schedules; staffing and resource management; troubleshoot technical issues. In the future, I plan to evaluate, maintain, improve and implement internal processes to increase efficiencies, standards, quality control and assurance practices to provide a positive impact to our engineering designs, client relations and further develop the company’s structure to attain our company’s vision of being one the premier engineering firms in our markets. How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate/allied field? Spending time with my family: my wife, my children and grandchildren as well as doing projects and maintenance around the house and yard. Favorite book or author: None in particular, but lean to reading books on history, biographies of famous historical people and books on human endurance and perseverance. Favorite movie: James Bond movies Last song you purchased/downloaded? “Take it to the Limit,” Eagles One word to describe your work environment: Organized and in the center of the work flow. Rules to live by in business: Listen well, establish trust, treat everyone fairly, respect others and earn the respect of others, honesty, patience, remember those that have helped and remembered you. If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who would it be and where would you go? George Washington – right here in New York City (our nation’s first capital). What is your dream job? A position where I could have a positive impact and influence on the lives of others