Professional Profile: Cory Tyksinski 2009

Name: Cory Tyksinski - 2009
Title: Broker/Sales Manager
Company: NAI Platform, Corporate Woods, Albany, NY
Location: Albany, NY
Birthplace: Latham, NY, (Albany), 1966
Family: Married 17 years; 3 children: 2 girls, 1 boy College: State University at Oneonta First job outside of real estate: Sales manager, office furniture dealership. First job in real estate or allied field: Sales agent, 1999 What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Manage a commercial real estate office of 16 agents. Continue to grow. Hobbies: Golf, small contractor jobs and ATV riding Favorite book: Almost any of Dean Koontz books Favorite movie: A tie: "The Godfather" and "Saving Private Ryan" Person you admire most (outside of family): Anthony Robbins Key to success: Call people back; return calls If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Landscape engineer