Professional Profile: Christina Galati 2017

Name: Christina Galati
Title: Associate
Company: FXFOWLE
Location: New York, NY/Washington, DC
Birthplace: New York, NY
Education: Cornell University – B.S. Design & Environmental Analysis, Washington University in St. Louis – M. Arch.
First job outside of real estate: Architecture firm
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Over the last 6 years at FXFOWLE, a majority of my work has been on large scale cultural, educational and interiors projects here in New York. I had not set out to do this type of work, but have ended up loving it and look forward to continuing this type of work throughout my career.
How do you unwind from a busy day? I love to come home and unwind by cooking dinner or meeting up with friends for a drink.
Last song you purchased/downloaded? I stream most music and tons of podcasts, but my last purchase was Beyonce’s “Lemonade album”
One word to describe your work environment: Creative
What is your dream job? I would love to have Anthony Bourdain’s job – traveling the world, seeing amazing places, trying delicious food and getting paid for it, sounds like a dream.