Professional Profile: Chris Parsley 2020

Chris Parsley

Name: Chris Parsley

Title: Senior Designer, Associate

Company: IA Interior Architects

Location: New York, NY

Birthplace: Cincinnati, OH

Education: Bachelor of Science of Architecture, Master of Architecture, University of Cincinnati

First job: Golf caddie

First job in real estate or allied field: Intern at Court Atkins Group

What do you do now and what are you planning for the future?:My focus is on Workplace Design across multiple markets. As a senior designer, I am responsible for managing the design team, coordinating design information with the client and consultants, and ensuring a successful and well-implemented project for our clients. 

How do you unwind from a busy day?:If the weather is nice, I go for a walk in the neighborhood with my partner and friends. I also enjoy cooking and working out to release any stress and frustrations if I’ve had a particularly tough day. 

Favorite book or author: “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley

Favorite movie: My guilty pleasure is “Mean Girls”

Last song/album that you purchased/downloaded?:“Chromatica” by Lady Gaga

One word to describe your work environment: Collaborative

Rules to live by in business: Be kind and always do the right thing.

If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who would it be and where would you go?:Steve Jobs and we would go to Alinea in Chicago.

What is your DREAM job? (something other than your current job):Owning a beachfront bed and breakfast on the Pacific coast of Mexico.