Professional Profile: Charles Baldassano 2002

Name: Charles Baldassano - 2002
Title: President
Company: The Baldassano Architectural Group
Location: 120 Comac St., Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Birthplace: New York City
Family: Wife, Barbara; children, Carole, Deena, Chad (graduate architect for the Baldassano Architectural Group), Steven College: Pratt Institute, Brooklyn First job in outside of architecture: Worked for family seafood business First job in architecture or allied field: 1958, large architectural firm (I took the job for experience, but was unsure whether I would be paid.) What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I am the president of a very successful firm providing a variety of buildings for use by a diverse clientele. My future goals are to continue in this endeavor and enjoy some personal travel. Hobbies: Golf, carpentry People you most emulate (outside of family): I.M. Pie and Rudolph Giuliani Keys to success: Determination and love for my profession If you had to choose another profession, what would it be? Advertising