Professional Profile: Celeste Evans 2018

Name: Celeste Evans
Title: Senior Environmental Manager
Company: VHB
Location: New York City
Birthplace: Monterey, California
Family: My family is split between California and Massachusetts
College: University of California, Santa Cruz
First job unrelated to your current field: Waitress
First job in current field: Water Conservation Intern
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? VHB partners with public and private clients from 24 offices along the east coast—including New York City—to improve mobility, enhance communities and economic vitality, and balance development and infrastructure needs with environmental stewardship. The firm’s integrated services approach continues to help clients implement solutions to their most complex and high-profile projects.
Hobbies: Cycling, hiking, backpacking – anything involving the outdoors and traveling!
Favorite novel: “Franny and Zoey”
Favorite film: “The Philadelphia Story”
Keys to success: Taking regular vacations! Kidding. I like to think the keys to success are a combination of valuing teamwork and knowing that the work is making the world a better place.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): My friends here in NYC – they have become like family!
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Trail guide or ski instructor