Professional Profile: Brian Koss 2001

Name: Brian Koss - 2001
Title: Vice president and district manager
Company: North American Mortgage Co.
Location: 486 Tottenpond Rd., Waltham, Mass.
Birthplace: Arlington, VA., 1963
Family: Wife Jan, children Mackenzie and Abigail College: Bucknell University, B.A., Political Science and Theater First job in finance or allied field: Boston Five Cents Savings, loan processor What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Oversee wholesale and retail operation for Mass. And still produce loans. Future: Potential merger with Washington Mutual, will remain a team in the future. Hobbies: Good wine, good food, good friends Favorite book: Read periodicals, trade journals, keep up with the market Favorite movie: Anything with Bill Murray Person you most emulate (outside of family): Richard Branson (head of Virgin) Key to success: Listening as much as I talk (and I talk a lot) If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Own a restaurant