Professional Profile: Brett Trainor 2017

Name: Brett Trainor - 2017
Title: Manager – Contract Glazing Division
Company: Tri-State Façade Services
Location: Capital Region, NY
Birthplace: Chicago, IL
Family: Single Father to a Daughter
College: Florida State University – Bachelor’s Degree in Science
First job unrelated to your current field: This is the only field I have ever worked in.
First job in current field: Family owned - Trainor Glass
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Tri-State Façade is a full services exterior façade maintenance company. Newly expanded glass installation division specializing in new construction and remedial glass installation. Also offering caulking/waterproofing, brick pointing, flashing, floor coatings, sealants & maintenance services such as window cleaning and power washing.
Hobbies: I am an avid sports fan. I enjoy coaching my daughter’s softball team.
Favorite novel: “Killer Angels” by Michael Shaara
Favorite film: “Good Will Hunting”
Keys to success: Perseverance, dedication, education, and communication.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Michael Jordan and Abe Lincoln
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? An architect