Professional Profile: Bill Montana 2008

Name: Bill Montana - 2008
Title: Managing Director
Company: Studley
Location: Manhattan, NY
Birthplace: Bronxville, NY, 1964
Family: Wife, Jan; father, Donald; mother, Adrienne; brother, Chris College: University of Colorado, Boulder First job in real estate or allied field: Office leasing in Manhattan What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I am a tenant representative advisor and broker. I will continue doing that and also would like to acquire a portfolio of properties with friends of mine in the business as partners. Hobbies: Skiing, boating, traveling, music (guitar), any sport in the great outdoors. Favorite movie: Any James Bond movie (but especially "Goldfinger" and "Thunderball.") Person you admire most (outside of family): Ronald Reagan for having the vision and the determination to change the world for the better. Keys to success: Integrity, determination, and sense of urgency. If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Running a Formula One racing team. It offers mental stimulation, competition and worldwide travel.