Professional Profile: Bart Zimmermann 2012

Bart Zimmermann - 2012

Name: Bart Zimmermann - 2012

Title: Vice President, Founder

Company: Barcel Group

Location: Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn

Birthplace: New York City

Family: Wife, Dr. Laura Zimmermann; Katie, 9, Matt, 6 College: Bachelor of Business Administration, Roanoke College First job outside of real estate: Korf Enterprises, event/sports marketing First job in real estate or allied field: Itzhaki Properties What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Real estate broker, specializing in the sale of investment properties. We plan on continuing to use and develop new technologies to help our clients make faster and better informed investment decisions. Hobbies: Surfing, lacrosse Favorite book: "The Godfather" Favorite movie: "Wall Street" Person you admire most (outside of family): Steven Jobs Key to success: Never be satisfied. If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Physical trainer, lacrosse coach