Professional Profile: Barbara Jo Fiorino 2005

Name: Barbara Jo Fiorino - 2005
Title: Vice President
Company: OCS Security
Location: 99 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016
Birthplace: New York 1949
College: Queens College First job unrelated to real estate: American Airlines — Customer Services First job in real estate or allied field: OCS Security What your company does now and its plans for the future: OCS Security is a full service, privately owned security company that provides security protection and investigative services to major companies and properties in New York and New Jersey. We have expanded our services to include Executive Protection and Technical Services, which encompasses surveillance counter measures, surveillance detection, threat analysis and review of emergency and evacuation plans. This division is being spearheaded by Michael McCann who was previously with the United Nations as their Chief of Security. Hobbies: Skiing, tennis and travel Favorite novel: The Pillars of the Earth Favorite film: Cinema Paradiso Keys to success: Creativity, risk taking, honesty and a passion for what you do If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be: Opera diva