Professional Profile: Avi Fisher 2016

Name: Avi Fisher 2016
Title: Founding Principal
Company: Avery Hall Investments
Location: New York
Birthplace: Israel
Education: B.S. in Marketing from the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith’s School of Business and an MS in Real Estate Development from Columbia University.
First job outside of real estate: I’ve always worked in real estate, outside of my teenage years when I was a lifeguard at my local pool.
First job in real estate or allied field: I worked for a D.C.-based boutique residential developer.
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? We are currently working on several projects in development and pre-development in Brownstone Brooklyn. We can see ourselves looking at other boroughs as the right opportunities present themselves.
How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? By riding my bike and making it a habit of taking my daughter to a new museum almost every weekend.
Favorite book or author: For pleasure, “Kitchen Confidential” by Anthony Bourdain. For serious content, “The Power Broker.”
Favorite movie: Trading Places or Inglorious Bastards
Last song you purchased/downloaded? Gorilla Manor’s new album “Local Natives”
One word to describe your work environment: Dynamic
Rules to live by in business: Form a business plan around a well-thought out strategy that you believe in 100%. It is not only the project that must be sound!
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who would it be and where would you go? Roger Federer following a stellar win against Novak Djokovic at the 2007 US Open!
What is your DREAM job? (something other than your current job): It is my current job, which is really a lifestyle. A far second would be running a vineyard.