Professional Profile: Anthony Simon 2015

Name: Anthony Simon - 2015
Title: Global Project Director, Retail
Company: IA Interior Architects
Location: 257 Park Avenue South, New York, NY
Birthplace: Staten Island, NY
Education: Pratt Institute, School of Architecture
First job outside of real estate: Paper boy
First job in real estate or allied field: Project Manager, L’Oreal
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I am charged with evolving IA’s retail practice, collaborating with our talented group of retail professionals, firm-wide. For the future, I am planning for IA to remain nimble and relevant within the ever changing retail landscape. Our team will continue to work in being strategic, experiential, and challenging the boundaries.
How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate/allied field? Spending time with my wife and my boys, going for a run/gym, cook/BBQ, etc.
Favorite book or author: Authors: Nick Hornby & David Sedaris
Favorite movie: Tough to call one out – but, “The Usual Suspects” is on the top five.
Last song you purchased/downloaded? “Do I Wanna Know” By Artic Monkeys
One word to describe your work environment: great spatial flow, lots of city views/daylight; someplace quiet where there is a lot of great thinking happening.
Rules to live by in business: Treat all with respect, allow creative collaboration, be transparent, help without expectation of reciprocation but remember who helps you.
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who would it be and where would you go? Wes Anderson – love his movies and just would like to “get inside his head.”
What is your dream job? Right where I am at now ;) – maybe double as a world travel channel host