Professional Profile: Andrew Fetherston 2008

Name: Andrew Fetherston - 2008
Title: Senior Associate, Geographic Discipline Leader, Newburgh Office Manager
Company: Maser Consulting
Location: 1607 Rte. 300, Newburgh, NY 12550
Birthplace: Racine, Wis., 1962
Family: Wife, Debra; daughters: Alyssa and Jessica; son, John College: Norwalk State Technical College, Manhattan College First job outside of real estate: Construction/maintenance foreman at Heritage Hills of Westchester, the largest condo development in Westchester County. First job in real estate or allied field: Worked summers and part-time for Hahn Engineering in Brewster after my first year of college and for four years of summers and during school breaks. What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: The Newburgh office of Maser Consulting provides a wide array of services to the private land development community. This branch office is seeking to expand its public clientele in the areas of institutional construction design and redevelopment services, municipal services, and public agencies. Hobbies: Spending time with my family and friends, gardening, home improvement, playing the drums, biking and motorcycling Person you admire most (outside of family): Neil Armstrong Keys to success: Dependability, drive, dedication, determination, distinction If you had to choose another vocation what would it be: Attorney