Professional Profile: Andrew Brucker 2016

Name: Andrew Brucker - 2016
Title: Partner
Company: Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads LLP
Location: 437 Madison Ave., 29th Floor, New York, NY 10022
Birthplace: New York, NY
Education: New York University (B.A.); New York Law School (J.D.); New York University School of Law (L.L.M., Taxation)
First job outside of real estate: During high school, I was a messenger for a Wall Street firm. I met all sorts of people who really make up the 99% of America.
First job in real estate or allied field: I worked for a small law firm.
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I am currently a partner in a law firm and focus my practice on cooperative and condominium law. I plan to continue to practice for many years.
How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? I love to spend time with my family (including 5 grandchildren) and play golf when I can.
Favorite book or author: Phillip Dick
Favorite movie: “Casablanca” - the perfect combination of everything that makes movie making magical.
Last song you purchased/downloaded? “Back to Black” (Amy Winehouse)
One word to describe your work environment: Organized-chaos
Rules to live by in business: Assume everyone is a nice guy until they prove otherwise. And then never forget what they did.
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who would it be and where would you go? Any of the founding fathers. I guess we would go to Keens Steakhouse since they would feel at home there.
What is your dream job? Commissioner of Baseball