Professional Profile: Andis Woodlief 2008

Name: Andy Woodlief - 2008
Title: Managing Member
Company: Screws and More, LLC
Location: 47 N Lawn Ave., Elmsford, NY 10523
Birthplace: White Plains, NY, 1957
Family: Husband, Wes; four children: Zach, Alex, Sloane and Chase College: Ithaca College, BS, Business Administration First job outside of real estate: Business form sales and promotional graphics First job in real estate or allied field: Material supplier for construction What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? To grow our certified WBE material supply company by including products for emerging markets such as Green Building. To develop joint venture relationships that can help us grow and allow us to help others. Hobbies: Bicycle riding, walking, reading, travel Favorite book: "World Without End," Ken Follett Favorite movie: "The Hunt for Red October" Person you admire most (outside of family): George Soros Keys to success: Tenacity, diligence, honesty If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Psychologist