IREON New Member Profile: Marco Botarelli

Marco Botarelli

Name: Marco Botarelli

Title: Managing Partner

Company: Landstar Title Agency Inc.

Location: 355 Lexington Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10017

Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY

Education: BBA Baruch College

First job: Oxford Industries

First job in real estate or allied field: Landstar Title

What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? At present, our clients’ focus has been, commercial and residential real estate transactions outside of NYC. We have been quite active in Upstate Hudson Valley, the East End of Long Island, CT, PA and NJ. We hope that the CRE in NYC will recover, however, this all depends on getting people back to their offices. The most optimistic projection has 50% of people returning to offices by summer 2021. As executives decamped to areas outside NYC, after almost 10 months of changed lifestyle, the new normal in Manhattan will be a three-day work week Tues-Wed –Thurs, then retreat back to their homes outside the city. This pandemic has done more damage to NYC than WW 2.

How do you unwind from a busy day? Read history, listen to contemporary Italian, French and classical composers and opera

Favorite book or author: “Walking With Destiny” by Andrew Roberts

Favorite movie: “Cinema Paradiso” (1988) followed by the film “The Irishman” since I had a small role.

Last song/album that you purchased/downloaded? “Perdere l’ Amore” (San Remo finale 1988) by Massimo Ranieri

One word to describe your work environment: Interesting

Rules to live by in business: My motto, “Our Service Knows No Limits”

If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who would it be and where would you go? Winston Churchill, at his home at Chartwell

What is your DREAM job? (something other than your current job) Working with my family in Italy.