Dear President-elect Trump,
As you know, we have a vast and still widening income gap in this nation, yet affordable housing options remain stagnant. There is a big gap between low-income housing options and market rate, especially here in New York City. Having been in the affordable housing industry for over fourteen years now, I can confidently say we have had great progression for low-income affordable housing, but we have had little progress in how we are preserving or creating moderate or middle-income housing, both in New York and nationally.
In past years, we have an abundance of market-rate apartments coupled with strong low-income housing development options being developed—and barely any middle to moderate income units coming available but rather disappearing.
If a family’s income changes, and rises above the bar set for their current apartment requirements, they are often at risk of losing their current subsidy or favorable rent. Because of this risk, why would these individuals want to potentially lose their way of life in order to “advance to the next income bracket”? Housing needs to be seen as a progression not a crutch or setback. What we need are the stepping stones in between. If we put in place housing stepping stones for families and individuals and create a progression that allows for middle and moderate-income households to be provided for, this will create a path for lower-income individuals and families to advance while also relieving some stagnation that we see in the market.
In New York City, the 2016 Area Median Income (AMI) was only $90,600 for a family of four. I would imagine if you surveyed many in the city, an annual of salary of $300,000 would hardly be enough to get by for a family of four. I know that New York is its own breed, and that not many cities have as high of a cost of living, but the case remains the same—we have to address middle and moderate-income families if we hope to address affordable housing. We need programs, like the old New York Mitchell Lama program, coupled with Project-Based Section 8 to be created. We need progress.
I am asking that through your leadership you strive to meet the housing needs of those families that need it most. I am asking them to create stepping stones, including policies and procedures, so that lower, middle and moderate-income families will be able to continue to move forward. I am asking that we work together to “Make America Great Again,” and this starts with housing.
Affordable housing needs to not be seen as a crutch but as a path for growth and progression.
Heidi Burkhart is the president and founder of Dane Real Estate, New York, N.Y.

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