Professional Profile: Patrick Morrissey 2018

Patrick Morrissey

Name: Patrick Morrissey

Title: Principal

Company: AKF Group

Location: New York, NY

Birthplace: Stamford, CT

Education: BS & MS in Mechanical Engineering from NC State University

First job outside of real estate: Manager at Beaver Creek Children’s Ski School

First job in real estate or allied field: Engineer at Guth Deconzo Engineers

What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I concentrate on project and account management for corporate workspace projects with an interest in developing business relationships with architects. Large-scale projects with engineering challenges are of particular interest. For the future, I evaluate potential projects to ensure they align with the firm’s goals and provide input for the development of the firm’s annual business plans.

How do you unwind from a busy day? Spend time with my daughters at home

Favorite book or author: Stephen King’s “The Stand”

Favorite movie: “Pulp Fiction”

Last song you purchased/downloaded? Pearl Jam’s “Let’s Play Two”

One word to describe your work environment: Open-door

Rules to live by in business: Always know to whom you are talking (company, title and role) – and if you don’t know, always ask. As a consultant, you are hired to service your client.