Professional Profile: Michael Kipfer 2019

Michael Kipfer

Name: Michael Kipfer

Title: Principal, Director of Research & Development

Company: Mancini Duffy

Location: New York City

Birthplace: Louisville, Kentucky

Education: Master of Architecture, University of Pennsylvania, specialization in time-based and interactive media. Bachelor of arts in Architecture, University of Kentucky.

First job outside of real estate: Grounds crew at Oldham County Country Club

First job in real estate or allied field: Lexington Downtown Development Authority

What do you do now and what are you planning for the future?:  I work at a technology company whose output is design and problem solving for the built world.  We generate efficient design workflows using advanced scripting, virtual reality and augmented reality to increase client and workforce decision making. We are planning for a future where one will design a building and construct it without construction documents.

How do you unwind from a busy day?: Steak, bourbon, wine, golf and dogs are great cures for busy days… and University of Kentucky basketball

Favorite book or author: The best part of architecture is all the books on the topic have plenty of pictures and few words.  With that said, I guess my favorite book is anything that inspires me. I listen to NPR podcasts all the time, my favorite is “How I Built This.” 

Favorite movie: Anything Adam Sandler before the year 2000 is great. If not a comedy, definitely a sci-fi like Ex-Machina.

Last song/album that you purchased/downloaded?: Insert Apple Music endorsement here. 

One word to describe your work environment: Moderately Quirky

Rules to live by in business: Don’t chase the gold, make the tools to help everyone else chase the gold. That way you are not 1 out of 100, you are 100 out of 100. 

If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who would it be and where would you go?: John Calipari, not just because I am a lifelong Kentucky fan, but because he isn’t the most popular person in the world and gets up every day, excels at what he does, and doesn’t let anyone get under his skin.

What is your DREAM job?: To play in a sandbox all day.