November 20, 2009 -
Ann MacAffer is an associate broker at CBRE/Albany. Her responsibilities include: sales and leasing brokerage. MacAffer has received the following awards/recognition: President of CIREB, 1995 CIREB Commercial Broker of the Year, 2000 Recipient of the Sustainer Bowl of the Junior League of Albany. MacAffer has been a CCIM since 1992 and is affiliated with NAR, GCAR, ICSC, CCIM and CIREB
What makes you an innovator?
What motivates you to succeed?
The excitement of every deal being a new challenge.
How do you stay ahead of the curve?
Read, listen and synergy here at CBRE.
What impact has social networking had on your success?
Allows you to communicate with clients 24/7 from anywhere.
What excites you most about this industry?
No two days are ever the same.
The biggest challenge facing the real estate industry in 2010 is....
Financing and negative press.
The "silver lining" in the cloud of the current economy is....
People and companies still have to move.
Ann MacAffer is an associate broker at CBRE/Albany, Albany, N.Y.