Landow and Landow Architects
What is one project or achievement in your career that you are most proud of, and how did it impact your organization or community?
In my 30-year career I have worked on many meaningful projects across sectors. The one with the greatest impact on me was my first, the design of a skilled nursing facility in the community where I grew up. This project sparked my interest in healthcare design, specifically for the elderly and other vulnerable populations. Following this project, I added gerontology to my architecture and interior design studies. I found experts in the field who I studied and researched with for the next seven years. This facility still serves the community, and I have been back many times.
What trends or innovations do you believe will shape the future of your field, and how are you positioning yourself (or your firm) to be at the forefront?
AI has created many opportunities, but behind technology, there is a need for feeling, humanity, and aesthetics. As design professionals, we must use new technologies to design better and understand the environment and the proper use of resources without losing sight of the human factor involved in what we do. We are fortunate to have the gift of feeling, choosing, and seeing things differently from one another, which is what makes the built environment an interesting place. We must continue to include human factors along with advances in technology to lead the way in the future of design.
Who or what has inspired you most in your career, and what advice would you share with the next generation of women entering the A/E/C industry?
The two people who have inspired me the most in my career are my paternal grandmother and my father. My grandmother taught me about humanity, treating people with respect, that there is something to be learned from every person you meet, and how to be patient. My father described himself as a businessman who practiced architecture. He taught me to be strong in my convictions and to have faith. I encourage the next generation of women to follow their passions, seek out mentors and never be afraid to ask questions.
What’s your favorite way to recharge or get inspired outside of work?
My happy place is in the kitchen where I use baking as a creative outlet recreating desserts.
Do you have a hidden talent or a surprising fact about yourself that most people wouldn’t know?
I am an avid gardener and enjoy growing the ingredients to feed my passions for cooking and baking.