“ROK Financial’s Commercial Real Estate department is just getting off the ground, and would not be possible without Stephen Rodriguez’s knowledge and experience in the industry. He has put together the groundwork for our processes around commercial real estate financing, and helped us grow into areas we wouldn’t have been able to before.” - Patrick Manning, CEO at ROK Financial.
How do you balance your rising career with your personal life? Balancing my career with my personal life requires me to stay focused on my priorities and be aware of my goals. Ensuring that I dedicate time to my wife and family, for my physical fitness, and to enjoy some rest & relaxation is critical to this, given the amount of time that I commit to work on a weekly basis.
Who are the key people in your life that have contributed to your success? My wife for her nurturing love and commitment to maintaining a warm and welcoming home. My Mom for the drive and discipline that she instilled in me. Several of my past football coaches for imposing a relentless work ethic on me at a young age, and for teaching me that mindset with persistence are omnipotent. And my children, who are the source of my main motivation in life.