Vice President of Corporate Services
Ciminelli Real Estate Corp.
Zach embodies the leadership journey, with a constant commitment to learning, encouraging peers, and growing through challenges. During his tenure with Ciminelli, Zach has been both a student and a teacher, strengthening his professional skills and using those insights to actively develop and streamline processes that affect meaningful change operationally and in our corporate culture and community. He is skilled at looking beyond the challenges we face to find unique solutions that in most instances don’t yet exist. He has facilitated the building of corporate cornerstone in procurement, service, accounting, and corporate stewardship. Working to build teams, reach consensus, and deliver results, Zach is dedicated to forward thinking and thoughtful decision making--the marks of a visionary.
What recent project, transaction, or accomplishment are you most proud of?
I laid the foundation for Ciminelli’s corporate stewardship initiative: a team dedicated to understanding and demonstrating Ciminelli’s environmental, social, and governance commitments to our employees, clients, and communities. It was rewarding to create the employee team, lead through discovery, and ultimately reach conclusion of year-one and share our results.