CEO and Founder
Avant-Garde Network
What recent project, transaction, or accomplishment are you most proud of? This past July, Avant-Garde Network (AGN), the company I founded and lead, powered the fifth annual DCRE (Diversity in Commercial Real Estate) Conference, the nation’s largest and leading event where over 600 diverse professionals and entrepreneurs in CRE connect for four immersive days of dealmaking, keynotes, masterclasses, panels, recruiting and networking featuring 75+ speakers changing the CRE landscape. Our conference fosters partnerships, inspires deals, propels projects, and helps professionals access capital and career opportunities.
What are the most important factors women in your industry should consider when choosing a firm to build their career with? Women should do due diligence to ensure that the company has a proven commitment to encouraging equity and has initiatives that support its values.
Who inspires you most? What qualities do they possess that inspire you? I am most inspired by Oprah Winfrey. She is an empathic leader who continues to give back to her community and others.