Partner in Charge – Real Estate Group
Janover LLC
Number of years in CURRENT position: 5
3 skills that you use every day in your position: Out of the box thinking, organization, knowledge of real estate industry.
Best book, podcast, or app for aspiring leaders: The Art of War by Sun Tzu, The Harvard Business Review Leader’s Handbook
Best advice for new leaders in 10 words or less: Don’t be afraid to take chances.
What was one of your biggest challenges as a leader and how did you overcome it? Being a leader in an accounting firm specializing in real estate, the hardest part has been encouraging top talent to join or remain in accounting. Having the best people who we mentor throughout their career path enables us to service clients in the best way possible. We believe in investing in and empowering our people to develop their skill-sets by providing the resources and support they need to thrive in our industry.
What makes this nominee an Industry Leader? “We are grateful to have Jason’s creative mind play out optionality and strategies to mine through occasional pitfalls and plan for growth. His impactful experience combined with his relentless attention to detail and follow-up diligence make Jason and his Janover Real Estate team a true gem in real estate or any fast-paced industry.”- Shervin Zade, Chief Executive Officer at SimpleCiti Holdings.