Name: Anudeep Gosal
Title: Director, Hotel Advisory Group
Company Name: Besen Partners
List 2-3 real estate associations or organizations that you are currently a member of:
- Asian American Hotel Owners Association,
- Hotel Association of New York City,
- American Hotel and Lodging Association
What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of?
All of my current projects involve hotels that have been destabilized by the pandemic, working to create and uncover value that can help restore and reorganize the capital stack from debt to equity for both owners and investors. I have taken the challenge to strategically advise clients on how to uncover ways to boost revenue, reposition, or creatively structure hotel transactions in efforts to build value for future investors.
What led you to your current profession?
My current profession is the intersection of my passion for buildings, love for numbers and my infatuation for travel. All three passions coming together in one asset class has been the perfect trifecta for me.
Favorite quote:
“The harder the problem is, the more limited the competition, and the greater the reward for whomever can solve it.” –Stephen Schwarzman
Top three things on your bucket list:
Visit Japan to become a master sushi chef; visit every national park in America; and to get my scuba diving certification.
Who was/is your mentor and how did s/he influence/help you in your career?
I have always thought that knowledge is unlimited and free flowing, one should always look to gain knowledge from any situation negative or positive. Over the course of my last ten years in real estate, I have been fortunate to have been able to gain that knowledge from truly unique and diverse vantage points. My greatest mentor was a prior boss who taught me that being a real estate developer/investor was a mindset more than a skill set as at its core it is merely a keen eye, desire, and will for creating value.
How do you contribute to your community or your profession?
I am very actively involved in many hospitality industry associations and the issues they advocate for. The hospitality and travel industry was the worst hit from this pandemic, and has had to fight the hardest to survive through these times. I have been actively engaged with many owners to understand their problems and core issues to help strengthen an industry built on service.