E-Z Riser raises the existing roof of any commercial building to create taller clear heights that meet modern building requirements. This patented expansion process has revolutionized commercial real estate since 1972.
Warehouse storage, manufacturing and production, retail big boxes, athletic facilities, self-storage, and second floor additions are just some of the reasons to raise the roof. Costs are typically a fraction of new construction costs and are also much faster than ‘demo & rebuild’ models. This is true for small projects, sometimes just a few warehouse bays, and is even more attractive (exponentially) for larger industrial buildings.
The entire roof (or just a section) is raised as a single unit, sometimes in as little as a single day. Existing mechanical systems (fire protection, roof-mounted equipment, lighting, etc.) can be extended or renovated as necessary, and go up with the roof structure.
By retaining the same footprint, property tax calculations based on square footage remain unchanged. This also means the permit process typically bypasses zoning and parking reviews triggered by footprint expansion.
Raising a roof starts with an analysis of the structure and detailed structural engineering. The existing columns are modified or replaced with two- or three-piece telescoping columns that maintain a connection to the original building foundation at all times. This process has a 100% safety record and can even be performed in fully-occupied industrial environments.
Imagine how many additional properties and opportunities can be considered if the ceiling height requirements could be solved with a magic wand. Roof raising projects give life to obsolete sites that previously could not earn serious consideration.
Formerly Space Technology Inc. (STI), E-Z Riser has been transforming commercial properties for more than 30 years, transforming millions of s/f for clients like Restaurant Depot, Nature’s Bounty, Gabrielli Truck Sales, Forsgate Industrial Partners, Hartz Mountain, and many others.
E-Z Riser Roof Raising offers free cost estimates, nationwide.