Name: Nancy Colella
Job Title: Principal
Company Name: NYS Sustainable Corp.
What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2021?
2021 was certainly the year of the comeback kid. Every professional within CRE saw aggressive and creative approaches to structurally smart commercial property deals throughout New York State and all sectors. For NYSSC and all the projects currently integrating a renewable asset, the support of a secured ESG fund and collaborative partnership has successfully offered new opportunities within the investment community and the owners of commercial portfolios to not only support large-scale integration models of business, but also unfold climate plans for, municipal integration, and power purchase agreements to segue renewable adoption and limit CapEx to property owners.
NYSSC has accomplished multiple fuel cell and solar commercial deals, of which, have debuted as the power couple—working in tandem to support resiliency and power providers to commercial real estate assets deployed by NYSSC. 2021 highlighted some progressive approaches by way of multi-tiered integrated renewable green tech projects. A recent integration facilitated the delivery of power to a 24-hour run facility, to not only provide demand response but a solar-generated baseline power supply and standby battery storage benefits. Sustainable resiliency in its most optimal form.