Name: Daniel Lebor
Title: Director, Business Development
Company: TerraCRG
Address: 634 Dean Street, Brooklyn, New York 11238
Year that you entered your current field? 2014
Who or what do you attribute to your success?
I attribute my success to a few things, two of which can be potentially seen as the same. I have a certain brand of polite-persistence, but it’s mainly my stubbornness. When I find deals that are intriguing, I have a tough time giving them up, even if it takes years to pursue them. Also, I’m a non-linear thinker. I tend to view things in a non-typical way; the more complicated something is, the more interesting I find it.
How do you motivate or inspire your colleagues?
Having been a photographer, as well as, in a leadership position in the tech realm for some time, I believe my colleagues appreciate the sense of creativity I bring to the table. I look at deals in a very different way from most. It’s not always about making a check; for me, the real estate game is about making long-lasting, dependable relationships and that can only be reached by realizing what the client is looking for and meeting their goals. But most of all, I’d say their motivation comes from my ability to whip-up a great cup of French-press coffee!
How did you get your start in your current field?
My family has been in and around the real estate industry my whole life. I was a professional photographer for fifteen years, but as a hobby I would try to find off-market deals. I seemed to have a real knack for it and became really interested. When I saw what was happening in the market in New York City in 2014, I decided to switch to real estate full time.
How do you manage the work/life balance?
I find that in this stage in my career it is important to be on call as required. During the work week, I make sure to find pockets of time to focus on my personal life and wellness. On the weekends, unless there is something hanging in the balance, I try to disconnect from Friday night through Sunday. That’s not to say that I am not thinking about deals, or how to tackle the week ahead, but it’s important to create a healthy balance between work and life.