Name: Sharon Khurdan
Title: CRE Financial Analyst
Years in field: 20
Years in real estate industry: 20
Telephone: 201-919-3797
[email protected]
Real estate organizations / affiliations: CORENET, NYCREW, NYU
What advice would you give to women just starting out in commercial real estate?
Develop relationships with senior people in the industry, nurture those relationships and find someone who is willing to mentor you. Learn from these industry leaders about the books they read, functions they attend, training they have had, and who are the people in their inner circle that has enabled them to achieve the success they have.
How do you manage the work/life balance?
I manage the work life balance by being organized; planning my week ahead of time. Making sure that I incorporate exercise, downtime, pursuing my interests and spending time with my family and friends allows me to effectively and efficiently manage my work life.
Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career?
A former manager, who encouraged me to explore the world of real estate, has had the strongest influence on my career and I have not looked back. I am very passionate about this industry even with the market being what it is, I enjoy this field and cannot think of another career path that I could enjoy as much.
What impact has social networking had on your business?
Social networking has allowed me to expand my database of contacts and through this medium find out about transactions that I would not be aware of as quickly as I do now. It allows me to get information from my connectors for just about anything real estate related from different parts of the country.
Please note: Replies in excess of 100 words will not be considered*
*Advertertorial opportunities are available by available to acknowledge women in greater detail.
Kristine Wolf 800-654-4993 ext. 245 or
[email protected]