2020 Ones to Watch: Erik Reynolds, SWBR

August 18, 2020 - Spotlights

Name: Erik Reynolds

Company: SWBR 

Title: Project Architect 

Education: Bachelors of Science in Architecture (Alfred State College) 

Which project, deal, or transaction was the “game-changer” in the advancement of your career? 
Charlotte Square Phase I. This was a project that I worked on six years ago, before I was licensed. It was a high-profile project in downtown, that I asked to be a part of when the opportunity came about. At the time Home Leasing was a new client for SWBR and I really wanted to show them our capabilities. The project was a big success that has led to many more projects, some of which are the best I have been a part of. 

What can our political leaders do to increase equality in the workplace?
Start in high schools. In my experience employers are looking to create equality and diversity in the workplace, but there are simply not enough trained professionals. 

If your life were made into a movie, what actor would you want to portray you?
Ryan Reynolds. His work-hard, play-hard mentality, and overall comedic and positive outlook would fit perfectly with my life and personality, (and obviously, what a great last name!)

How do you contribute to your community or your profession?
Early in the process, the design team often interacts directly with the community to understand their thoughts, needs, and concerns with projects. By having these interactions, a better project is delivered which the community helped to create. 

What led you to your current profession?
While in high school I took a technology class which was an intro to architecture. I thoroughly enjoyed the technical and artistic side of the class. From there, I started looking into the profession more. The rest is history. 

What do you like most about your job?
The people I work with are amazing. Both my coworkers and my clients/partners make this job very enjoyable every day. I also love how tangible and rewarding this job is. At the end of a project, not only I am able to walk through something that I helped to create, but I also hear from the users how much it has impacted their lives. Truly a great feeling. 

Who or what inspires you?
Other architects and designers definitely inspire me. Seeing their projects and problems they solved creatively, always helps to push the envelope on my own projects. In addition, the passions of my clients and hearing the stories of their users is always something that inspires me. 

What social media platform do you use the most professionally?

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