By Kelley Douglas, IFMANEW YORK, NY The March 11th IFMA GNY networking breakfast held at the Mohawk Showroom was a great opportunity to take advantage of what IFMA is really about. The event attracted a healthy crowd of over 30 people, including at least 8 first time attendees. After introductions and welcome from Gary Anzalone of Precision Signs, and a brief review of protocol the attendees divided into smaller groups to get down to the business of getting to know each other.
As stated so well by Ivan Mann of Corporate Essentials, "This format takes you to another networking level, it is rigorous work to make it successful, but the results are worth the effort. You will leave this event with great new contacts and the potential for warm introductions in the future."
"The networking breakfast is the best way to get the most out of IFMA, meet with people in the best context and leave with leads" said Bob Martin of The Mohawk Group.
Mark your calendar and plan to attend the next networking breakfast on April 22, and experience the best of IFMA GNY.
Kelley Douglas is with Meadows Office Furniture Company, New York, N.Y.