December 07, 2007 -
New York City
According to Carlton Advisory Services‚ chairman Howard Michaels, Marc Belsky, has joined as managing director. Belsky is responsible for sourcing and underwriting real estate acquisitions for Carlton's principal transaction group: Carlton Strategic Ventures.
Throughout his career Belsky has completed in excess of $1.3 billion in acquisitions and financings and has conducted business with several high profile principal real estate firms.
Most recently Belsky was a principal with Bonjour Capital, LLC in New York City. At Bonjour he had the primary responsibility of sourcing and underwriting new acquisitions as well as overseeing the entire underwriting, due diligence, acquisition, financing, and closing process. He also oversaw asset management activities as well as many development projects including residential, commercial, and hospitality projects. In addition he also handled the disposition of several properties while at Bonjour.