March 20, 2009 -
Upstate New York
Any person actively involved in the commercial real estate market in the area is encouraged to join the WNY chapter of the New York State Commercial Association of Realtors (NYSCAR). The organization offers benefits including:
* Networking. Meetings are scheduled each month to provide opportunities to promote the individual's business, and to meet fellow active members in the commercial real estate industry.
* Education. Topics at the monthly meetings include development projects, tours of real estate, alternative methods to traditional real estate disposition methods.
* Ability to participate. Members have the opportunity to participate on a variety of levels. Committees are formed to address education, membership, events, legislative, golf and awards, to name a few.
Any person holding a broker's license or a salesperson's license that agrees to subscribe to the Realtor code of ethics may join NYSCAR on the state and local level. By joining, the member is eligible for many benefits that promote their interests.