February 20, 2009 -
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Radiation and Indoor Air presented H2M's client the Baldwin Union Free School District with the 2008 Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Model of Sustained Excellence Award. H2M assisted the school district by creating a plan for the school to help decrease indoor air quality problems and utilize integrated sustainable design approach throughout their buildings.
With the advice from H2M, the district adopted low-odor, low-VOC paint and began using HEPA vacuums throughout its facilities to remove dust and other air particles. The schools also put into practice a pest management program to reduce the number of pesticides used.
The Baldwin Union Free School District has also implemented other environmental initiatives such as a tree planting program, recycling and energy conservation to improve the learning environment for students, teachers and other staff. The district also created a comprehensive handbook that identifies and aggressively employs a broad range of measures to reduce sources of possible Indoor Air Quality problems. According to the Baldwin Herald, "Baldwin children are breathing clean air in their classrooms, giving the school district the green stamp of approval."
This award recognizes Baldwin Union Free Schools' outstanding efforts and designates them as a national role model for all schools.