Manhattan, NY The Soloviev Foundation has formed a collaboration with the Museum of the American Revolution and Donna Lawrence Productions to produce an immersive film experience that will introduce guests to Path of Liberty: That Which Unites US, the newest public art installation which will open in May 2025.
Set against a compelling music track with minimal narration, this brief film will highlight the ideas that led a founding generation to declare its independence in 1776 and beckons all Americans to continue the pursuit of these democratic ideals as we as a nation move along the path of liberty.
“We are pleased to share the results of this powerful collaboration with our community and guests,” said Michael Hershman, CEO of the Soloviev Group. “Democracy has shaped all of our lives, and through thought-provoking content, this film will encourage meaningful conversation and provide a foundation for the ongoing exchange of ideas.”
“In 1776, American Revolutionaries were inspired by the belief that they had it in their power to ‘begin the world over again.’ They declared their independence and self-evident truths that would guide their audacious experiment in liberty, equality, and self-government,” said President and CEO of the Museum of the American Revolution Dr. R. Scott Stephenson. “As we approach the 250th anniversary of that moment, we are proud to partner with the Soloviev Foundation and hope that this experience will help people rediscover what our Founders knew: that liberty is not a destination but rather a journey that we take together.”
“It’s an honor and privilege to partner with the Museum of the Revolution and the assembled project team in looking beyond well-worn stories to the dynamic, on-going and challenging path of liberty that ‘1776’ invites all of us to join,” said Donna Lawrence, founder and owner of Donna Lawrence Productions.
After viewing the film, guests will be invited to walk along the Path of Liberty. Throughout the installation, guests will interact with more than 40 large-scale screens showcasing individuals as they recount their personal experiences and reflections on life in America. Guests will be taken on a captivating journey through 250 years of the nation’s history, exploring its progress, challenges, and triumphs.
The entire experience aims to foster connection and understanding among viewers by examining the importance of democracy and freedom, how these values are unique and personal to every American, and how American citizens are resilient and constantly working toward their own version of the American Dream. By listening in on their intimate stories, we can better understand the common bonds that bring us together and celebrate both our individual journeys and the collective spirit of American patriotism.
Made possible by the Soloviev Foundation, designed by multi-specialty creative studio C&G Partners, and directed by award-winning filmmaker, director, and producer Daniella Vale, Path of Liberty: That Which Unites US will serve as a prequel to America 250, the 2026 United States Semiquincentennial, expanding on the Soloviev Foundation’s commitment to bringing the community together through art that encourages reflection, nurtures inter-personal connection, and inspires hope.
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