Albany, Ny Sept. 19, 2023 – Legal Update, Anthony Gatto, Esq. (one hour) (fulfills the NYS licensing requirement for one hour of legal issues).
This session will provide the latest information for New York licensed brokers, managers and agents. NYSAR’s Legal Counsel, Anthony Gatto, will cover a wide array of legal issues including legal obligations of the licensee and an in-depth look at recent laws, rules, regulations, court cases, DOS cases and governmental guidance/opinions as well as other issues critical to reducing risk in your real estate practice.
Members can use this class only once per license renewal term for one hour of CE credit.
This program satisfies the NYS Dept. of State requirement for 1 hour of training on recent legal matters.
October 6, 2023 - Safety & Security for Real Estate Professionals, NYS trooper Steve Rothwein (1.5 hours c.e.)
In this course we will discuss safety and security at your office, ways to react to an emergency situation and safety tips when showing properties to clients. We will finish by discussing real life scenarios and how best to respond to them.