November 19, 2007 -
Upstate New York
Facilitated by the Institute for Real Estate Management (IREM) members and other industry experts, IREM webinars provide the convenience of learning via the web plus all the benefits of peer-to-peer interaction. The webinars run 45-60 minutes in duration, with topics covering a variety of timely industry issues as well as live demos of useful real estate management resources. Upcoming webinars include the following:
* Legislative Update: To be held on October 31 at 2 p.m. ET. The price is free. To attend this webinar, you must register first. Legislation guru Chuck Achilles, IREM staff president of legislation & research, will host the session.
* Business Strategies for Real Estate Management Companies: To be held on November 7, at 2 p.m. ET. The price is $35, but if you are an IREM member, it is free. This webinar is ideal for entry-level to mid-level real estate managers. Richard Muhlebach, CPM and past IREM president, and Alan Alexander, co-authors of Business Strategies for Real Estate Management Companies, will share their insights on the following selected topics:
* Tips on management take over.
* Analyzing the profitability of your property manager's portfolio.
* Developing the management proposal.
* How many properties can a property manager manage.
* The Property Manager's Perspective to Handling Disasters and Emergencies: To be held on November 15 at 2 p.m. ET.The price is $35, but if you are an IREM member, it is free. This webinar is ideal for entry-level to mid-level real estate managers. Join Paul White, CPM CCIM CSM RPA, from Miami, Fla., in a discussion covering personal lessons he has learned regarding:
* Apartment shootings
* Fires and fire safety
* Bombs and bomb threats
* Medical emergencies
* Lawsuits and expert witnesses.
* Using Valuation Tools for Investment and Operations Decisions - Running the Numbers (Part 1): To be held on November 29 at 2 p.m. ET. The price is $35, but if you are an IREM member, it is free.This webinar is ideal for entry-level to mid-level real estate managers. Join John Warthman, CPM and IREM faculty member, in a discussion covering the following aspects on property valuation:
* What is value and how do we arrive at it?
* The foundation for building value.
* Capital expenditure decisions.
* Real estate tax assessments insurable value.
To register for any of these webinars, please visit