Brooklyn, NY Developer and managing principal of West Egg Development, Sam Eshaghoff, has joined The Brooklyn Bank, a nonprofit organization in Bedford-Stuyvesant focused on giving the local community the tools they need to escape poverty.
Eshaghoff is part of the executive team at The Brooklyn Bank, where they organize financial literacy programs, seminars, community events, and tax clinics aimed at helping disenfranchised minorities achieve financial freedom. For many real estate players, the business is not just about making money and developing buildings: It’s about making an impact on the community and adding to people’s lives.
Eshaghoff has become engrained in the neighborhoods in which he works. His day job is to develop buildings, and he is changing the streetscape of neighborhoods like Bedford-Stuyvesant and East Flatbush, which are predominated by minorities and underserved communities.
In his years in the field, and from walking the streets of Brooklyn on a daily basis, Eshaghoff feels like he has become part of the community. “I came here as an investor, but my relationship with the people in Brooklyn has transformed into much more. I feel like I owe it to the community to not only develop great places for its people to live and work, but I have a duty to help the people in the community however I can,” said Eshaghoff.