New York, NY AIA New York has unveiled their 2018 class of the Civic Leadership Program (CLP). Ten emerging architecture professionals will participate in a six-month mentorship and training program to develop skills to engage in the civic process:
• Dyana Berthaud, Assoc. AIA, Building Studio Architects
• Ashly Chirayil, Assoc. AIA, Caples Jefferson Architects
• Nadia Habib, Assoc. AIA, EME Group Consulting Engineers
• Michael Haggerty, Assoc. AIA, AICP, Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners
• Hung Kit Yuen, AIA, LEED Green Associate, Perkins Eastman
• Quinn Lammie, AIA, Murphy Burnham and Buttrick Architects
• Wells Megalli, Assoc. AIA, Deborah Berke Partners
• Amanda Miller, AIA, Hoffmann Architects
• Ofunne Oganwu, Assoc. AIA, MoCADA
• Jade Ragoschke, Assoc. AIA, EME Group Consulting Engineers
Now in its second year, CLP continues its mission to cultivate a class of emerging architecture professionals into civic leaders. CLP focuses on developing skills for designers who aim to operate in public service, as well as architects who may one day consider a career in elected office. Through the program, participants will learn how to advocate for issues pertaining to the profession and the communities in which they live and work. The program will kick off with a full-day event on June 9th at the Center for Architecture and will consist of five participant-driven development sessions, four team-building sessions, and two public events that build a framework for engaging in the public realm.
Each development session will include a supplemental training or information seminar led by advisers. Session topics may include public interest design, land use and public space, community engagement and relations, public development and infrastructure, and sustainability and resilience. Participants will earn 32 CEUs during the course of the program.