Urgent-Call to Action
Reform our tax code AND protect middle class homeowners
As a Realtor, you have no doubt heard about tax reform plans from Washington, DC. Now Congress is threatening tax incentives for homeowners, like the mortgage interest deduction and the state and local property tax deduction. These incentives are critical for a strong housing market that creates jobs and builds stable communities.
We ask that you go to www.NAR.REALTOR and click on “Take Action Now on Tax Reform.”
Realtor of the Year Nominations
NYSCAR is accepting applications for Realtor of the Year. The purpose of the award is to recognize an outstanding active member of the New York State Commercial Association of Realtors (NYSCAR) for the year.
The following point system is used for consideration:
• NYSCAR Association Activity (45%): Committee work, special assignments, seminar activities, educational work and offices held;
• State Association Activity (25%): Offices held, committee work, attendance and participation at conventions, director’s meetings, education work, etc;
• NAR Activity (10%): National offices, committee work, membership and work in institutes, attendance at national conventions, etc;
• Civic Activity (10%): Local, state and national levels, participation in civic and service clubs, charitable activities, political activities, etc; and
• Business Accomplishments (10%): Recognized good business conduct and adherence to Realtor Code of Ethics, service to clients, imaginative and creative advertising, imaginative and creative real estate solutions, rehabilitation programs, land utilization, etc.
If you would like to nominate a NYSCAR member, please submit your nomination to the ROTY Committee, c/o NYSCAR, 130 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12210. Please submit your nomination by December 15.
Committee Service
To continue to grow and provide you with the services and benefits you want, we encourage your participation by serving on one or more of the NYSCAR committees. Committee service is easy. “Meetings” can be conducted by teleconference. Help us by getting involved! Contact Ali Mann ([email protected] or Sherry Marr [email protected]) if you are interested in getting active with the Association by serving on one or more committees.
Realtors Triple Play
Join the thousands of Realtors who will be attending the Realtors Triple Play Conference this December in Atlantic City, N.J. Sponsored by the New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania Associations of Realtors.
There will be a commercial track which includes the following sessions:
Monday, December 4
• CCIM: Commercial Real Estate Negotiations.
Tuesday, December 5
• New York State Legal Update,
• 20 Ways Your Cash Cow Can Graze: Increase Your Property Management Income;
• Follow the Money-The New Movement of Capital;
• 1031 Tax Exchanges and Self-directed IRAs;
• Property Management 101: The Essentials.
Wednesday, December 6
• Go Global: Risk Management for International Practitioners;
• National Economic Trends in Commercial Real Estate;
• NYS Fair Housing in rentals: The Essentials;
• Foreign nationals and the New FIRPTA Compliance;
• Commercial Brokerage Due Diligence.
Visit REALTORSTriplePlay.com to view the full session schedule, CE details and to register.
Brian DiNardo is the president of NYSCAR and is a NYS licensed real estate broker, DiNardo Realty Corp., East Rochester, N.Y.