August 10th is a day that will never be forgotten by the Bronxchester Realtor baseball organization. I have yet to completely digest what this team of 14-year-olds accomplished at Yankee Stadium on that magical day.
As you may know, the Bronxchester Realtors is sponsored by The Bronx-Manhattan North Association of Realtors (BMNAR). I am the proud manager of the team that includes 20 players under the age of 14, and five volunteer coaches. The team’s home field is the Bronxchester Little League located at 1400 Waters Place in the Bronx.
My eyes fill with tears of joy when I think about what our players have accomplished—especially when others said we couldn’t win. Then the members of BMNAR sponsored the team to attend “A Night Out with Yankees.” That experience, and the attention they received from local elected officials and Yankee personnel, changed the team. They went on to win 24 straight games and several championships.
Totally impressed with the team’s performance on and off the field, I entered the team to compete for the 2017 Bronx Borough President’s Cup. The Bronxchester Realtors rose to the occasion and won the championship on August 10th. And to make the whole experience that much more unforgettable, victory started with my son’s, Miguel Clemente Rodriguez’, bunt. The Bronxchester Realtors is the number 1 team in The Bronx!
In the July 4th issue of the New York Real Estate Journal, I wrote about how my members sponsored the team to go watch the Yankees play. In that article, I mentioned how a few players asked me to take them to see the Mets. I told them, “Win the championship and I’ll see what I can do.” At that point, BMNAR did not have plans to host “A Night with the Mets,” because the cost was prohibitive. However, subsequent to the article, one of my members, Mark Engel, CEO of Langsam Property Service, Corp., was able to work a miracle on our behalf with the New York Mets.
As a result, on September 7th, BMNAR will host its 2nd Annual, “A Night with the Mets.” The event promises to be night of networking, food and beverages, giveaways, and lots of cheering for a Mets’ victory over the Cincinnati Reds. For the low price of $200, each ticket holder will receive a field level seat in center field at section 141. He/she will also be treated to a pre-game buffet in the Bullpen Plaza from 5:10 p.m. to 7:10 p.m. The menu includes ballpark peanuts; freshly popped popcorn;corn tortilla chips with salsa; Tuscan pasta salad; Nathan’s famous beef hot dogs; big league burgers served on potato rolls with lettuce, roma tomato, cheddar cheese, pickle chips, and ballpark sauce; cookies sampler (chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, and sugar cookies) and non-alcoholic beverage service.
On top of all that, you will receive a voucher for a Mookie Wilson replica jersey, other goodies, and the opportunity to network with Realtors, property managers, property owners, title companies, lenders and others interested in the real estate trade. You never know when or where your next deal may begin!
Since the Mets’ game is on the calendar and the team did win their league’s championship and most recently, they won the 2017 Bronx Borough Presidents’ Cup, I have to try to make good on taking the team to see the Mets. Some of players have never been to a Mets’ game and I did say I would try to make their wish come true. In that regard, I am asking 25 Realtors or friends to step up to the plate and sponsor one player so they can go watch the New York Mets on September 7th. For your sponsorship, I will post your name on BMNAR’s webpage, on our social media outlets, on the game-day program, and I will give a “shout out” in my next NYREJ article.
We also have other sponsorship opportunities. For now, if you are interested in sponsoring a player, and/or attending “A Night with the Mets,” don’t strike out! Call 718-892-3000 and reserve you ticket/s today. Can you hear it? …“Take me out to the ball game: take me out with the crowd…” Thank you and go Realtors!
Eliezer Rodriguez, Esq. is the chief executive officer of The Bronx-Manhattan North Association of Realtors, Bronx, N.Y.