Vanguard-Fine, LLC

Vanguard-Fine, LLC

Vanguard-Fine, LLC

Vanguard-Fine, LLC
Albany, NY Vanguard-Fine, LLC recently completed the following:
• Barry Feinman and Kenneth Brownell of Vanguard-Fine brokered a lease between Filta and Clark Industrial Park, LLC. The 1,500 s/f office is located at 10 Walker Way.
• Brownell and Feinman, with Jeff Christian of First Street brokered the sale of 948-954 State St. in Schenectady, between purchaser Kathryn Antonl Trust and seller FFBWood #2, LLC. The sale price was $1.9 million. The .96 acre site is a built to suit for FDS.
• Steven Lerner of Vanguard-Fine, with Dan and Lisa Shepard of All In 1 Realty Services, LLC brokered the sale of 161 Troy Schenectady Rd. in Latham, between purchaser UniFirst Corp. and seller Ajit Khanuja. The sale price was $520,000. The 7,200 s/f building will be used for UniFirst facility expansion.
• Brownell and Feinman brokered a 10-year lease between RVST Holdings, LLC (dba Five Guys Burgers and Fries) and Route 23 Associates. The 2,475 s/f restaurant is located at Southside Mall in Oneonta,.
• Lerner, Brownell and Feinman brokered the ten-year lease between Connemara Enterprises, Inc and National Retail Properties, Inc. The 2,052 s/f laundromat is located at 101 Saratoga St. in Cohoes.
• Feinman, Brownell, and Christopher Farrell of Vanguard-Fine, with Todd Drowlette of IKON Realty brokered sale of 100 Mohawk St. in Cohoes. The sale price was $375,000. The 4,575 s/f building will be a new Pioneer Bank location.
• Lerner brokered a six-year lease expansion between Tracy’s Glass Slipper, LLC and SKJ Properties, LLC. The expansion went from 1,000 s/f to 2,080 s/f and is located in KEM Plaza 4803 Rte. 30 in Amsterdam.